Monday, February 8, 2010

Homework Assignment

What is the common topic that both Asher and Quindlen discuss in their essays?Homelessness
Ascher's focus deals largely with How people deal and react to homelessness. What IS her generalization? Everyone has compassion and empathy.

How many examples does she use to support her generalization? Why does each example work as evidence or support for her generalization? Both examples provide someone showing compassion or pity to someone in need.

Quindlen begins her essay with an example. What is it? Why does it work as part of her introduction? What is her generalization? How does she support her generalization in her essay? Is it effective? WHY?Which of these essays do you find more appealing? Ascher’s. Is it because of the examples or evidence? The wording? The focus that is carried throughout the paper from beginning to end? WHAT? Do not simply say, "Yeah, it was the wording. I liked what she said." Bully for you -- what were the words that make the essay effective? Liked the examples? Great! What examples? In my opinion Aschers’s essay is better written, is a more interesting read, and provides better examples to back up the focus of the essay. Quindlen seemed to ramble onto irrelevant tangents and uses an odd ordering in her essay.

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